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currently reading: convenience store woman by sayaka murata
the january book of the month was convenience store woman by sayaka murata!
my rating: 6/10 stars
i think i liked the book, but it was also kind of a nothing book. not much happened, keiko ended at the same place she began. i definitely enjoyed the social commentary in the book, but it made me feel really sad. shihara should explode. some reviews describe it as a dark comedy, i didn't find it funny at all. i related somewhat to keiko, as one can easily see her as autistic. its practically true, but i tried not to diagnose her while i was reading. keikos struggles were realistic and relatable, the feeling of people around you wanting you to be cured, and having to pretend to be a normal person. if i was keiko though i wouldve bitch slapped shihara, he was soooo annoying. i know he was necessary for keikos character growth, and to show a parallel as someone else who isn't normal, but oh my god i wanted to skip all his dialogue. stinky, misogynistic, stalker, wimpy ass loser bitch. i knew he would come in at some point from the synopsis of the book, but i expected it to be an actual romance and someone meeting keiko where's shes at, not a wannabe sigma manchild. he needed to shut the fuck up im so glad keiko gets rid of him.
i enjoyed the book, but not enough to reread it or think about it for any longer than necessary. my review may be lacking, but thats just because the book didn't make a very large impact on me. it reminded me a lot of kitchen by banana yoshimoto, a book where one woman goes through things that are kind of boring. im sorry girls but i dont really care about your lives. ok thats it see you next month. im busy with college its good this book was short so i could read it during meals and waiting time! we love epubs on the phone